Thursday, October 24, 2013

One of the best decisions I made before taking on the CEO job at BIDMC was to meet with John Halamka to make sure he would be staying on as chief information officer.  Once he said yes, I knew it would be safe to sign on, confident that our clinical and administrative information systems would be best of class.

As you read this blog post by John, you can get a sense of his wisdom and common sense. The closer:

Policies are good.   Policymakers are well meaning.  Timelines are set in such a way that none of these activities - Health Insurance Exchange, ICD-10, Meaningful Use Stage 2, or HIPAA Omnibus Rule have enough time for testing, piloting, and cultural change.

I'm not yet at that time in my life when I resist change or innovation.   I'm simply an IT leader and physician in the trenches who knows that 9 women cannot create a baby in a month.


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